Asleep in the Deep (song)

"Asleep In The Deep"

Cover, sheet music, 1897
Music by Henry W. Petrie
Lyrics by Arthur J. Lamb
Published 1897
Language English

"Asleep in the Deep" is a song written by Arthur J. Lamb and composed by Henry W. Petrie in 1897. It is titled for a refrain found in its chorus:

Loudly the bell in the old tower rings,
Bidding us list to the warning it brings. Sailor, take care! Sailor, take care!
Danger is near thee. Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware!
Many brave hearts are asleep in the deep, So beware! beware!
Many brave hearts are asleep in the deep, So beware! beware!

The phrase asleep in the deep refers to those who have drowned.


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